Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Plan of Redemption Part 1

God created a beautiful paradise called Eden in which Adam should live with his wife Eve. God was pleased with what He had created but the devil was not so. He wanted to ruin God's paradise so he used the serpent. Now the Bible says serpent not snake we find that the serpent could speak with Eve so it couldn't have been a snake(refer to ). So the devil (through serpent) caused the fall of Eve, now when she had done this shewent to her husband Adam(and the Bible says Adam went in with open eyes) and he partook also of the fruit not apple, the Bible says fruit. When Adam did this he was not wrong........Now you ask how could I say that? Adam was an amateur god on the earth,he was the son of God.When Adam did that he showed his Father's attribute of being a Saviour because if Adam had not partook of the fruit Eve would have died, but God could not kill His son.So God cursed the serpent,cursed Eve in child bearing but never cursed Adam, HE only cursed the ground.

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